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PODCAST: A Death Ruled ā€œJustifiableā€: The Killing of John Wesley Wilder July 24, 2023
Racist Murder of Clifton Walker Could Still Be Solved after 59 Years February 28, 2023
I'm pretty happy with how my Mastodon posts get sent to my #blog via #IFTTT and #RSS. December 30, 2022
It's been years since I've spent this much time messing around with my social media presence and nerdy internet tools. December 30, 2022
Person of interest in Clifton Walker murder dies 58 years later February 28, 2022
benjamin clementine August 2, 2018
Supreme Court Upholds Ohioā€™s Purge of Voting Rolls (New York Times) June 11, 2018
Finding Truth in Police Killings of Young Black Men May 3, 2018
Oakland passes groundbreaking municipal law requiring citizen oversight of local surveillance / Boing Boing May 3, 2018
New Federal Prison Policies May Put Books and Email on Ice (In Justice Today) April 29, 2018
music eluvium prelude for time feelers April 22, 2018
Muckrock | Until recently, police in Columbus, Ohio couldnā€™t differentiate between rape kits and shopping carts April 18, 2018
In Louisiana, Threatening to File a Complaint Against Police Can Lead to a Five-Year Prison Sentence April 18, 2018
Andā€¦ it worked. April 17, 2018
If I did this right, this post to benlog. April 17, 2018
The Pain Of Police Killings Can Last Decades August 25, 2016
Red White and Black and Blue July 4, 2016
Congress Responds to Concerns of Racial Murder Victimsā€™ Families with New Legislation April 27, 2016
Lola April 7, 2015
UN Human Rights Council Reviews US Failings on Racial Murders from Civil Rights Era March 28, 2015
Lynching In America: A Grim History February 19, 2015
It Was His Job to Enforce the Law February 12, 2015
Alabama Goddam January 28, 2015
Honey I Am Really Scared this Time November 19, 2014
On a Train through Hiroshima in 1951 November 18, 2014
More Interesting than the Sergeant Realizes November 18, 2014
How Ferguson Showed Us the Truth about Police November 18, 2014
Detroit Needs this White Dude to Wash His Balls November 18, 2014
It Is Hard to Believe Anyone Could Ever Forget November 15, 2014
Beginning of the End November 15, 2014
Hard Facts of History November 13, 2014
A Deep South Cold Case Goes Frigid August 30, 2014
Before ā€˜Freedom Summer,ā€™ A Wave Of Violence Largely Forgotten August 5, 2014
They Should Not Drink or Bathe? July 23, 2014
Courtesy of My Sister July 15, 2014
Ink Mixed with Blood July 7, 2014
Against Our Vanishing June 30, 2014
The Lecture June 27, 2014
Remembering James Chaney June 24, 2014
Freedom Summer Forecast June 17, 2014
This Is Not a Drill May 15, 2014
Funeral Singers May 13, 2014
Clifton Walker Family Marks Bitter 50th Anniversary February 28, 2014
A Southerner for the Freedom to Marry February 24, 2014
Spies of Mississippi February 10, 2014
This Machine January 29, 2014
With the Children that Moses Led January 28, 2014
Natchez January 12, 2014
Most Listened to Artists of 2013 January 2, 2014
We Will Never Stop December 19, 2013
catherine-shirley-poor-house-road December 11, 2013
A Fast One for Pete November 10, 2013
Only to Greenberg October 20, 2013
One Day before the March August 21, 2013
The American Dream July 4, 2013
What Are They Doing in Heaven Today June 29, 2013
After 49 Years, Little Justice June 21, 2013
Abiding Mysteries June 19, 2013
ben-greenberg-c-1974-by-alan-greenberg-web June 17, 2013
I Am a Man May 14, 2012
The Strongest Force in the World May 14, 2011